About Us
About Us
The Visitation Pre-School is a Pre-School located in Greenford Middlesex that specialises in childcare for 2-4 year olds.
The Visitation Pre-School aims to provide, with parental support, a caring, secure and happy learning enivronment so that children can grow in confidence and develop to their full potential
If you would like to check our recent Ofsted report please do so byDownloading Here, or entering the following Unique Reference Number (URN): EY450505 on the Offical Ofsted Website
Our Aims & Objectives
Our aim is to provide, with parental support, a caring, secure and happy learning environment for pre-school children:
- To encourage children to become confident and to develop to their full potential.
- To provide a broad and balanced curriculum within the Early Years Foundation Stage.
- Children progress at different rates and individual achievement will vary. However, all the children should be able to follow a cirriculum, which enables them to make maximum progress towards the outcomes appropriate for their age group.
- To work in partnership with parents, carers and children to provide a consistent high quality childcare which values each child's race, religion, language, culture, gender and social background and encourage continuing personal growth, all round development and a positive self image. Each child will have a keyworker who will take a special interest in your child and who you can liaise with if you have any concerns. We also work in partnership with professional bodies to ensure each child is offered the support they require to nurture their learning and development.
- To enable each child to progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage at an appropriate level depending on his/her individual needs and abilities
The Visitation Pre-School is open to every family in the community. The waiting list is not operated on a first come first served basis but on a fairer system. Admission to the Visitation Pre-School has no influences on admission to either the Visitation Nursery or Primary School.
Our Policies
The Visitation Pre-School has a number of policies in place in which it abides by, these policies include: Safeguarding children and child protection, Confidentiality, British Values, Child Absence, use of mobile phones and Fire safety and emergency evacuation and COVID-19, all these policies are available upon request from the office. We have an open-door policy.
Fees are to be paid weekly or half termly in advance at the beginning of each week or half term. Full fees are payable for any absence including sickness. This ensures that we have the funds to buy materials needed for the children's activities. We will do our best to keep fees the same. However, we are a non-profit making Pre-School and if our running costs rise then we may need to increase the fees.
The Visitation Pre-School recognise that many different types of family sucessfully love and care for children.
The Visitation Pre-School offers a flexible payment system for families with differing means. All financial discussions are confidential. Fees can be paid by cash or cheques made out to the "Visitation Pre-School". A receipt will be issued for your records.
Non-payment or repeated late payment of fees will result in the loss of your child's place at the Visitation Pre-School.
Safe arrival & departure of children at the Visitation Pre-School
On arrival, parents and carers are asked to ensure that their child is handed to a member of staff. The Visitation Pre-School is not responsible for a child until this has be done and the staff member has acknowledged the child's attendance. The staff are required to keep accurate details of the number of children and adults on the premises at all times.
It is normal for some children to have difficulty seperating from their parent/carers or cry when being dropped off. A smile, cheerful goodbye kiss, and a reassuring word that you will be back is sometimes all that is needed. Please refer to the "Settling In" section for further information.
Safeguarding children
The Visitation Pre-School aims to create an environment which promotes and safeguards the welfare of children which includes protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children's health or development and ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. We have a duty of care to refer any allegation, complaint or concern received relating to a child to social care or the police. A copy of our Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures is available at Pre-School. Please ask the manager if you would like to see a copy.
If your child suffers an injury outside the Visitation Pre-School, it is important that you let us know. For example, if your child bumps their head we will be aware of the need to lookout for any signs of concussion, vomiting, etc., and we can contact you if necessary. Any accidents that occur while your child is in the setting will also be logged in an accident book, with an explanation as to how the accident occurred and your signature will be required to witness the entry.
Car parking
The Visitation Pre-School has no designated parking. Therefore, in the intrests of saftey, it is NOT permitted to drive your car into the church area either to drop off or pick up your child.
All parents will receive regular newsletters. These usually inform you of forthcoming events, items needed, terms dates & fees.
There will be a summer outting arranged by the Visitation for children and parents/carers from time to time we may take the children out in small groups to the post office or library, etc.
Your children will get dirty. The children will have access to paint, sand, water, play dough, etc, and these can ruin children's clothes. We do have aprons for the children, but busy children dont not always remember to put them on. The Visitation Pre-School has sweatshirts you can purchase for a reasonable price from Kevin's in Greenford broadway, otherwise, the older the clothes the better.
It is important that the children also wear sensible shoes/trainers. Soft shoes must be worn for the safety of your child and of the other children. It is not safe for children to use climbing apparatus wearing wellies, shoes with heels or sandles. It makes climbing difficult and accidents to happen.
Children often leave it to the last possible moment to run to the toilet. Therefore, clothes that do not have belts, buttons, buckles, will be easier to manage for your child in a hurry.
We do take children who are in nappies/pull-ups.
If your child needs a barrier cream applied please give the staff written permission.
If a medicated cream is needed then we will need a letter and written instructions on when and how to apply it.
If you are toilet training your child at home, please let us know how you are approaching it, so we can work with you to help your child.
Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they have any infection and to inform the Visitation Pre-School as to the nature of the infection so that we can alert other parent/carers if appropriate. Parents are asked not to bring into the Visitation Pre-School any child who has been vomitting or had diarrhoea until at least 48 hours has passed since the last episode.
If your child becomes unwell at the Visitation Pre-School we will contact the parent first. If we get no reply we will contact the second person on the Registration Form.
If your child needs an inhaler for asthma while at the Visitation Pre-School we will need written authority from the parent with clear instructions on when and how much to administer the medication. The medication will need to be clearly labelled with the child's name and date of birth.
Breakfast club
The Visitation Pre-school offer a breakfast club from 8:30am – 9:15am. We provide a safe and secure environment for the children to enjoy a healthy breakfast before the Pre-school session starts. A selection of different healthy breakfast foods will be available such as cereal, toast, porridge, fruit and pastries. Once the children have enjoyed their breakfast, there will be a selection of activities for the children to enjoy, such as drawing, colouring and puzzles. Cost per morning - £5
Diet/snack time
A snack will be provided by the Visitation Pre-School during the session. The snack offered will be nutritious. Milk or water will be offered to drink. Each child has their own water beaker that they can access during the session. Examples of snacks include: toast, fruit, biscuits, cheese & crackers. If your child has any cultural or religious needs or allergies, it is important that you inform the Visitation Pre-School. Children often bring in sweets to share on their birthdays. If your child has an allergy to any of these YOU MUST let us know.
Packed Lunch BoxesIf you include fruit in your child’s lunch box, please could you cut it in half or quarters before sending it in. For example, small tomatoes, grapes and strawberries.
Nut AllergyWe cannot accept any food items containing nuts or traces of nuts i.e. Nutella spread, peanut butter and cereal bars. Please check all labels before packing your child’s lunch.
Student placement
From time to time the Visitation Pre-School will take on student/s from local schools and colleges who are studying childcare courses. Students will be confirmed by their tutor as being on a bona fide childcare course. Students who are required to conduct child studies will be obtain written permission from the parents of the child to be studied. Any information gained by the student will remain confidential. Unless DBS checked, students will not have unrestricted access to children.
Settling In
At the Visitaiton Pre-School we want the children to feel safe and happy in the absence of the parent/carer and to recognise other adults as a source of authority, help and friendship. Children cannot play and learn successfully if they feel anxious and unhappy. Our setting In Procedure aims to help parents to help their children feel comfortable in the Visitation Pre-School and to be confident that their parent/carers will return at the end of the session/day.
Every child is different, some will settle quickly, others will not. All parents are encouraged to stay with their child until they are settled. We do not encourage the parent/carer to leave without saying goodbye to their child. It will make your child feel insecure and will make settling in difficult in the long term.
To help your child settle as quickly as possible we will:
- Invite you to visit the Visitation Pre-School with your child before admission.
- Enourage parent/carer where appropriate, to separate from their children for brief periods at first, gradually building up to longer absences.
- Support families in the Visitation Pre-School for as long as it takes for their children to settle.
- Work with the parent/carer as to the best way to settle their children.
- If at any time you feel concerned at the way things are progressing, we will plan together with you to make things easier.
Working in partnership with parents/families
Being a Pre-School Practitioner is a responsible role that involves sharing responsiblities with parents and their families and recognising the prime role that parents play in their children's upbringing. As Pre-School Practitioners we will never try to take over the role of the parents or see ourselves as a substitute for parents. Parents and families will be listened to as experts on their own children. We will observe and record your child's development and progress and this will be shared reguarly with the parents to ensure continuity of care between the families home and the Visitation Pre-School setting.
The Visitation Pre-School encourages the parent/carer to play an active part in the group. We have a parent rota displayed on the notice board for parent/carers to fill in. Please tell us if you have any ideas you would like to share with us. If you have any particular skills we would love to hear about them. We welcome contributions from parents whichever form this takes. The children love to see their mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa etc helping in the Visitation Pre-School.
Through talking to you, we will get to know about your child quicker, their likes and dislikes. It is important to us that the whole family feels welcome and as comfortable as the children when they come to the Visitation Pre-School
Behaviour & discipline
Children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to learn and play without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else. We aim to work towards a situation in which children can develop self discipline and self esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
In order to achieve this, the adults in the Visitation Pre-School will praise and endorse desirable behaviour.
The Visitation Pre-School Curriculum
The Visitation Pre-School curriculum follows the Early Years Foundation Stage for children's learning from birth to five. The Early Years Foundation Stage is divided into seven sections areas of learning and development. The three prime areas are:
- Communication & Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development
We also support children in four specific areas, through which three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:
- Literacy
- Mathmatics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts & design
- Physical Development
The four guiding principles of the EYFS are;
- Every child is a unique child
- Children learn through positive relationships
- Children learn and develop in an enabling environment
- Children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates